Women's Ministry

Our Women’s Ministry seeks to encourage the women of our community to pursue Christ above all. We commit to loving and serving one another just as Jesus did. We seek to build a community that encourages women in their walk with the Lord. The Women's Ministry wants you to find a place to get connected with the women of our house to build community as we walk through life together.


Knowing the Word is the only sure means of discerning truth from error. Women need to become articulate and committed followers of Christ, with a clear understanding of why they believe what they believe, grounded in the Word of God. Women are most frequently appealed to through their emotions. Because of that, the studies promoted by LifeLine will advocate for women to have Bible literacy, love God with their minds, and follow Christ as His disciple.
LifeLine for Women is a ministry to encourage women to develop a growing and intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ through the study of God's Word in fellowship with other women. Our purpose is to make disciples who will grow up in Christ and make disciples. Welcome are those still seeking as well as those desiring to continue to grow in their walk with the Lord. We offer weekly Bible study classes for women, utilizing in-person classes as well as Zoom classes.



Training in Godliness for Women

Wednesday Night   I   6:30–8:00 pm   I   Room 414
Leader: Lisa Black
Cost: $10

As women, we have a God given purpose for our lives: to discover who we are in Christ and become all that He has called us to be. In this class, we will pursue God in His Word to “Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness” as 1 Timothy 4:7 says. A virtuous woman has the desire to grow in godliness and reflect the many qualities of God’s character. Join us as we study to bring our own will under submission to God’s will in our lives to become a more godly Christian woman.

Adornadas: Viviendo juntas la belleza del evangelio
(Adorned: Living Out the Beauty of the Gospel Together)

Wednesday Night   I   7:00–8:00 pm   I   Room 408
Leader: Grace Lopez
Cost: $0

El modelo de Tito 2 de que las mujeres mayores vivan el evangelio junto a las más jóvenes es vital para que todas podamos crecer. Es de fortaleza mutua, glorifica a Dios y hace que Su verdad sea creíble para nuestro mundo. Esto es comunidad cristiana como Dios la diseñó. Tu vida encontrará su significado más pleno al adornar el evangelio de Cristo.

The Titus 2 model of older women living out the gospel alongside younger women is vital for us all to thrive. It is mutually strengthening, glorifies God, and makes His truth believable to our world. This is Christian community as God designed it. Your life will find its fullest meaning as you adorn the gospel of Christ.


Wednesday Night   I   6:30–8:00 pm   I   Room 416
Leader: Pam York
Cost: $0

GriefShare is an opportunity for you or a friend to procress grief experienced in life. Let's walk through life together - the good times + the hard times. This is a weekly Bible study on Wednesday nights starting August 7 - November 6 from 6:30-8:00 pm. There will be a one off class on November 13, "Surviving the Holidays" from 6:00-8:00 pm.


Romans: Life as a Living Sacrifice

Thursday Morning   I   9:00–11:30 am   I  Fellowship Hall (In-person + Zoom)
Leader: Juli Muchnick
Cost: $25 ($10 without workbook)

The righteous shall live by faith! Do you live out your faith? What practical things can you do to show that you have been justified? Romans 12–16 are very practical chapters! In this 8 week study you will learn how redemption, justification, and propitiation enable you to live righteously as you serve God.

Sermon on the Mount

Thursday Morning   I   9:00–11:30 am   I  Room 402
Leader: Nancy Tyner
Cost: $25 ($10 without workbook)

What if we navigated these three chapters in Matthew as they were originally heard? What if we read them as one cohesive, well-ordered message, intended to challenge us to think differently about what it means to be a follower of Jesus? This 9-session study will give you the opportunity to do just that. Come and learn from Jesus, just as His disciples did.  

Revelation - Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom

Thursday Morning   I   9:30–11:30 am   I  Room 416
Leader: Kristi Shearouse
Cost: $25 ($10 without workbook)

Over 10 sessions of verse-by-verse Bible study, Jen Wilkin helps you discover how the last book of the Bible—the culmination of God's great story—speaks both a steadying word of assurance and a strong call to endure to the church in every age.


Who Do You Say That I Am

Sunday Evening   I   5:15-7:30 pm   I  Room 414
Leader: Joan Powell
Cost: $20 ($10 without workbook)

We can speak in abstracts all day long. We can ponder who Jesus is and what it means to follow Him. But he wants our confession. He wants to know, “Who do you say that I AM?”
How we answer defines our lives both now and forever. This 8 week study in the “I AM” statements of Jesus will help women move from knowing about Him to knowing Him personally. Guiding them through significant questions Jesus asks in the Gospels—and the answers He himself provides—it will help readers:
Realize the truth of who Jesus really is
Grow in their ability to trust God and rely on Him fully
Find the calm and peace promised in Scripture despite life circumstances      

Discerning the Voice of God: How to Recognize When God Speaks

Sunday Evening   I   6:00-8:00 pm   I  Room 404
Leader: Tara Larson
Cost: $25 ($10 without workbook)

Through 7 sessions, discover the root to clear and daily communication with God—humble obedience. Learn how surrender unlocks His many blessings intended for us, centers us in His will, and helps us discern His voice in everyday life.      


The women of our church family believe that prayer is important. As we see in scripture, Jesus modeled prayer for the church and called her to prayer in his name. The Women’s Ministry is starting a Prayer Ministry in the Fall of 2024 to teach women the value of praying and how we can pray as the body of Christ. This is a time of guided prayer for our families, church unity, and seeking wisdom as the Lord continues to grow our church as we seek to be Multicultural, Multigenerational, and Multiplying.


Reach Events are missional in focus—opportunities to serve our church or community in various ways. These events generally occur every other month (rotating with Connect events). Stay tuned to this calendar for any upcoming Reach events. 


Connect Events are opportunities for the women of First Baptist to foster community and fellowship. These events generally occur every other month (rotating with Reach events). We also offer Women's Conferences/Retreats along with other events for women to create community. Stay tuned to this calendar for any upcoming Connect events and other Women's Ministry events.